Category Archives: Paperless Lab

At NL42  we are extremely pleased with the results and feedback received after the recent acquisition of the event’s organization ( Press Release) The event is dedicated to companies needing to adopt a paperless approach in their scientific data management throughout the product life cycle. We decided to focus this year’s edition on the Internet of Lab things (IoLT) with the title “2020 Roadmap for Digital Convergence – transforming scientific information into actionable insight“. The event consists of a balanced mix of plenary and workshop sessions.  Read More...

NL42 Consulting takes on Paperless Lab Academy management

– PRESS RELEASE – Paperless Lab Academy (PLA), Europe’s leading laboratory automation event, brings partners and attendees together in an environment designed to promote mutual interaction and exchange of views during plenary sessions and topic-focused workshops. The fifth edition of the two-day event, organized by Industrial Lab Automation and NL42 Consulting took place from 4 to 5 April 2017 in Barcelona (Spain) under the theme of 2020 Roadmap for digital convergence. The aim of this edition was finding effective ways to transform Read More...

We are proud to announce that the 5th edition of the Paperless Lab Academy is ready to go. Mark your calendar and book your free seat at the earliest! Date: April 4th & 5th 2017 Location: Grand Hotel Rey Don Jaime, Castelldefels, Barcelona Code promotionnel: PLA2017 Central Theme : 2020 Roadmap for Digital Convergence, transform scientific information into actionable insight         *rules apply Read More...

NL42 at AEFI Round Table: New horizon for the farmaceutical QC Labs

[:es] NL42 ponente en la mesa redonda 6 del AEFI 2016 sobre novedades para el laboratorio de control de calidad, el martes 7 de Junio de  13:00 a 14:30.   Nuestra presentación hablara de la transformación Paperless, como abordar el proyecto, revisar los procesos, identificar e eliminar los silos de comunicación, facilitar así la integración de los datos entre los sistemas, y asegurar la integridad de los datos. AEFI 2016 programa cientifico      [:] Read More...

Exchange of ideas at the PAPERLESS LAB ACADEMY 2016 Strengthens its success

The Paperless Lab Academy 2016, held on 19 and 20 April in Barcelona, closed its doors again with many positive impressions, from visitors of the industry, suppliers and sponsors. Innovation, cloud, data integrity and process improvement were the key topics in this edition.  Among the presentations , we highlight the contribution of Michael Shandler, Research Vice President, Life Science R&D en Gartner who described the event as one of the best in its category. Michael Shandler opened the event with his vision Read More...

Paperless Lab Transformation Process Training

  The pre-congress workshop at the Paperless Lab Academy 2016 lead by NL42 has allowed to introduce the concept of designing a paperless laboratory The training has received great acceptance and positive feedbacks on the relevance of such initiative. We´re glad to communicate that we´ve decided to run a new session by beginning of October in Madrid. Should you be interested please contact  directly On Monday April 18th, at the Don Jaime Hotel in Castelldefels (Barcelona), we launched the Paperless Lab Week with Read More...

Once again the european event Paperless Lab Academy has joined the key  market leaders of the industry. Feedbacks on plenary sessions, workshops, networking opportunities are extremely positive and all agreed: High Quality delivered ! Worth the time, pertinent topics! The Place to be! Gartner has recognised this conference as one of the “best one’s in Europe and affordable from supplier as delegate perspective” .       Read More...

R&D Process reengineering at FAES FARMA

COLLABORATION FAES FARMA and NL42: BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING PROJECT IN THE R&D DEPARTMENT  Faes Farma, a Spanish pharmaceutical company founded in 1933, with a strong presence in Spain and Portugal and a growing international presence, currently totalling 45 countries and exporting raw materials and finished pharmaceutical products to more than 60 countries. As a result of its commitment to pharmaceutical research, Faes Farma can highlight the recent launch of an antihistamine molecule –Bilastine-, commercialised in Spain since 2011, currently marketed in Read More...

Pre-Congress: Introduction to the PAPERLESS TRANSFORMATION PROCESS

Paperless Lab Academy Pre-Congress Workshop  As part of the organisation committee of the PLA, and on the basis multiple requests from last year’s edition.  NL42 will run a complementary pre-congress workshop. This event is free of charge and will be offered in Spanish language. The main objective of this workshop is to introduce the key concepts covered during the congress. We´ll go through the whole transformation process to paperless and discuss relevant items like data integration, data integrity and information Read More...

PAPERLESS LAB ACADEMY 2016 – April 19th & 20th, Barcelona.

Finding the Speed to Innovation The European congress “Paperless Lab Academy” is an adventure started five years ago that was running by the northern European countries (Zurich, Copenhagen and Amsterdam) and  landed in Barcelona past April. The Paperless Lab Academy is aimed at managers of R&D, Quality and IT departments in organisations from the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, biotechnological, goods consumers and chemical industries. Its unique features have quickly made it a landmark event in the market of laboratory informatics where the main solutions providers Read More...