Tag Archives: productivity
MMA : MultiMoment Analysis – Continous Process Improvement
By Isabel Munoz
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Find Efficiency Killers in your Organization
Multi Moment Analysis (MMA) is the statistical technique for determining the proportion of time spent by workers in various defined categories of activity. It permits quick analysis, recognition, and enhancement of job responsibilities, tasks, performance competencies, and organizational work flows.
With MMA toolset for execution of the multi-moment-analysis you can get an accurate picture of the activities and the time spend to the individual activity by your staff. Based on the results, you can make Read More...
george james ltd and NL42 Management Consulting S.L. to collaborate
By Isabel Munoz
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george james Ltd, a leading provider of recruitment, training and corporate development services to the scientific industry and NL42 Management Consulting S.L., an international consulting organization focused on delivering specialised services to the scientific industry are delighted to announce a collaboration between the two organisations. The combined capabilities of both companies offer their respective customers access to business consultancy, recruitment services and customised local language training programmes across the European market place.
Both companies have customers within the biotechnology, pharmaceutical,
AMSLAB, laboratory of excellence chooses NL42/LV6 LIMS Solution
By Isabel Munoz
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AMSLAB implements a new LIMS solution, LabVantage 6, with the goal of optimizing the Efficiency and the Quality of their laboratory. Efficiency and Quality describe perfectly Manuel Lolo´s strengths (AMSLAB CEO) and also the commitment of his company towards his customers.
AMSLAB (Applied Mass Spectrometry Laboratory SL) is specialized in chemical and physical tests, and provides analytical solutions using cutting edge technology. In less than 5 years, the laboratory has become an important centre of excellence in the use of mass spectrometry Read More...
AMSLAB, laboratorio de excellencia elige la solución NL42/LV6 LIMS
By Isabel Munoz
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AMSLAB implementa una nueva Solución LIMS, el LABVANTAGE 6, con el ánimo de optimizar su laboratorio en cuanto a Eficiencia y Calidad. Dos aspectos que describen perfectamente las cualidades personales de Manuel Lolo, CEO, así como el compromiso de su empresa hacia sus clientes.
AMSLAB (Applied Mass Spectrometry Laboratory S.L.) especializado en la realización de ensayos químicos y físicos, proporciona soluciones analíticas mediante tecnología puntera y se ha convertido en una referencia importante en España en el uso de la Read More...